Real-time coverage by Angus Productions, Inc .

Coverage of the 2006 National Angus Conference will include summaries, PowerPoints and audios for each presentation.

Permission has been granted by the presenters to post the following PowerPoints to this site. The presenters retain the copyright for their respective presentation(s). PowerPoint presentations may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the presenter.

Back to Basics

Introduction and American Angus Association Update – Rod Wesselman, Regional Manager

Certified Angus Beef LLC Overview – Mark McCully, CAB Director of Supply Development

Carcass 101 – Brad Morgan, Oklahoma State University

Genetic Selection Tools – Sally Northcutt, Director of Genetic Research, American Angus Association

AngusSource®, Ty Groshans, Assistant Director of Commercial Relations, American Angus Association

National Angus Conference

Reproduction of the Cow Herd — Mark Enns, Colorado State University

American Angus Reproductive Database — Sally Northcutt, Director of Gentic Research, American Angus Association

Producing with Optimums — Twig Marston, Kansas State University

The Importance of Beef Carcass Value — Brad Morgan, Oklahoma State University

Cow to Carcass Wrap-up — Mike Kasten, Commercial Cattleman, Millersville, Mo.

Leadership — Rod Nulik, Marketing Manager for the Beef Cattle Business Group, Purina Mills, LLC

Photo Galleries
(First number in file name corresponds to tour stop number.)

Photo Gallery, Day 1

Photo Gallery, Day 2